Other ways to GIVE:
1. Select the Healdsburg Education Foundation as your Amazon Smile Charity.
Simply sign in to smile.amazon.com and select "Change your Amazon Smile Charity" in "My Account." Type in "Healdsburg Education Foundation" in the search bar and then click "Select." You're done! And every penny counts. :)
Simply sign in to smile.amazon.com and select "Change your Amazon Smile Charity" in "My Account." Type in "Healdsburg Education Foundation" in the search bar and then click "Select." You're done! And every penny counts. :)
2. Create an automatic paycheck withdrawal (HUSD Staff)
3. Check if your employer has a matching gift program
4. Make a contribution to the HEF Endowment for the Future
5. Talk to us about Planned Giving
For more information about these forms of giving, please contact our Foundation office
at (707)433-1223 or email us.
3. Check if your employer has a matching gift program
4. Make a contribution to the HEF Endowment for the Future
5. Talk to us about Planned Giving
For more information about these forms of giving, please contact our Foundation office
at (707)433-1223 or email us.